Having to appear in court to resolve a legal issue is definitely not fun. It is even worse when the judge tells you that you need an accountant to prove everything you are trying to show him/her in court. Thankfully, you should be able to find an accountant that can help you with this situation. You will have to hire him/her for the related accounting services you will need. Those services provided by the accountant that can resolve your court case are as follows.

Expert Testimony

Sometimes the only way a judge will hear you and listen is if you bring an expert with you. Frustrating as this may be, the end result (i.e., the judge's final ruling) may be all worth it. You will have to get a new hearing via the courts, and then you will need to make sure your accountant can come on a specific day at a specific time. It helps to get some open days and times from your newly-acquired accountant so that you can schedule this hearing a little more easily.

Following the Judge's Previous Orders

After you have secured the accountant and scheduled the next hearing such that your accountant may attend and provide expert testimony, you need to follow the judge's orders next. Whatever it was that the judge expected you to sit down with an accountant and work out, that is what you must do. For example, maybe your ex wants you to allow him/her to claim the children on his/her taxes, but he/she does not carry the burden of the expense—you do.

When you initially brought that before a judge, the judge ordered both of you to see an accountant and go over your taxes separately to see who the tax breaks would benefit more. The judge would not make an official ruling on this issue between you and your ex until you brought back proof from an accountant. By following the judge's orders, hiring an accountant and working through this financial question to bring evidence back to the judge, you are showing compliance and respect to the court. Additionally, you can request that your ex pay half of the accountant's hourly fees when the judge finally resolves your issues.

Your Business Books Look "Cooked"

Not everyone can handle the accounting part of owning a business. Criminals say that they are "cooking the books" when they are making false entries in accounting. People unable to manage their accounting affairs may have accounting spreadsheets with the same glaring errors and problems. For this reason, a judge may order that an accountant get involved to straighten out your business's accounting issues so that you do not look like a crook and that your books are not "cooked" or even messy.

Forensic Accountants

Sometimes you can hire a forensic accountant. The judge will appreciate that because forensic accountants will not only straighten out any accounting or financial issue you have with someone else, but the forensic accountant will also use "legal speak" in court when conversing with the judge. That is because forensic accountants split their education three ways; accounting, investigative work, and law.

Forensic accountants may also be hired if you think someone is hiding assets that should be yours. For example, your parents died and left you a large trust. Your guardians were supposed to manage the trust and make sure every penny goes to your care until you are old enough to assume ownership of the trust. When the money seems to disappear, or there is somehow a lot of money missing, a judge would tell you to hire a forensic accountant to track down the missing money and/or prove that your guardians stole it or misused it.
